Monthly Archives: July 2015

Simple Birth Control Can Reduce The Births Of Low IQ Groups

Steve Sailer writes: “…after the Israeli Establishment quickly got tired of the Ethiopians they had let in so liberal American Jews could feel good about Zionism not being racist, they hustled the Falasha women onto Depo-Provera, with similarly effective results.”

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Report: Shoplifting arrests at Eagan Outlet Mall raise question of bias

Article: “Nearly 85 percent of those arrested or cited in connection with shoplifting calls at Eagan’s new outlet mall were people of color, according to a Star Tribune analysis of nearly 1,000 calls to police in the first eight months … Continue reading

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The Killing Season

I just watched the excellent three-part Australian documentary series “The Killing Season” about leadership challenges in the Australian Labor Party 2007-2013. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd kept using the word “betrayal” to describe his deputy taking his job. It’s … Continue reading

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Is It Wrong To Hate A Group?

I don’t believe in any such sin as prejudice, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, though frequently that hatred can be maladaptive because a more open attitude to out-groups is more in your best interest. In some circumstances, openness to strangers is to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Diversity, Nationalism, Race | Comments Off on Is It Wrong To Hate A Group?

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

Report: Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, … Continue reading

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