Monthly Archives: July 2015

Rabbi Belsky’s Beis Din Issues Siruv AGAINST Aish HaTorah NY and its leaders Greenman and Markowitz

SIRUV ISSUED BY RABBI BELSKYS BEIS DIN AGAINST AISH HATORAH NY (Lefkowitz) SIRUV ISSUED BY RABBI BELSKYS BEIS DIN AGAINST AISH HATORAH NY R Belskys Siruv against Aish Background. More. From Wikipedia: A shtar siruv (also spelled seruv) is a … Continue reading

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Forward: Michigan Jewish Institute Raided by Federal Agents

Forward: Feederal agents raided the offices of a Jewish college that has prospered from millions of dollars in federal aid even though almost all its students live in Israel and hardly any of them graduate. Federal officials declined to comment … Continue reading

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Our Government Is Our Enemy – Bring On The Civil War

Michael Scheuer writes: If there ever was a week in our Union’s history demonstrating that the national government must always be suspected of being the enemy of Americans, their liberty, and their social cohesion, this past week surely was the … Continue reading

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Is Your Church Abetting Sanctuary Nation?

Michelle Malkin writes: The random, heartless murder of a young tourist on San Francisco’s Pier 14 by a five-time illegal alien deportee who benefited from the “progressive” city’s sanctuary policy has law-abiding Americans, law enforcement officials and political opportunists of … Continue reading

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Knowing What We Know Now, Mrs. Clinton, Would You Still Support Sanctuary Cities?

Mark Krikorian writes: In the wake of the murder of Kate Steinle by a five-times-deported illegal-alien felon, news organizations worthy of the name would be all over the Democratic candidates asking if they regret their past, repeated, emphatic support for … Continue reading

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