Monthly Archives: July 2015

Orthodox Judaism’s Tortured Relationship with Facts

Frum Satire: Look, we’re not children anymore, let’s not pretend that Orthodoxy’s mesorah which goes back to Moshe Rabbainu is any less crooked than the Tail of the Dragon and let’s not pretend it doesn’t have a proportionately equal number … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: David Frum Denounced for Not Taking Serena Williams Wholly on Faith

Steve Sailer writes: “Last week David Frum was widely denounced for reacting to a New York Times article about Serena Williams’ late career resurgence to Barry Bonds-like dominance (and how her rivals are hamstrung by society’s outmoded body image prejudices … Continue reading

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When Is It OK To Make Jokes About Jews?

From Kveller: But here’s my dilemma. I make Jewish jokes all the time. Case in point: I was at a birthday party recently. The dad hosting the party was Jewish. We were playing on his kids’ new swing set when … Continue reading

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NYDN: Two rival male TV helicopter pilots who covered O.J. Simpson chase now are transgender women

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Two rival male TV helicopter pilots who covered O.J. Simpson chase now are severely mentally ill psychotics who are pretending to be women. * Endocrine disruptors. There are byproducts of plastic production that look chemically … Continue reading

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‘America, the world’s flophouse. Emma Lazarus would be proud.’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s odd how desperate people like Flores are, to come to the most racist, evil nation on the planet. My legal resident wife (of Scandinavian extraction) remarked to her mother recently about an openly illegal … Continue reading

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