Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Sopranos As Race Realism

I’m rewatching The Sopranos. I detect nothing PC in it. It seems race realist. I don’t detect any liberal Jewish propaganda. I don’t see any white bashing. What am I missing? A Jewish friend replies: “You are missing nothing. It … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘A sense of rhythm appears to be uncorrelated with IQ’

Steve Sailer writes: A reader calls my attention to Real Clear Science: A Chimpanzee Has Rattled Off a Drum Solo By Ross Pomeroy Barney was a fairly normal chimpanzee. A 24-year-old, low-ranking member of a group of five adult male … Continue reading

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Dr. Johnson’s reproof to Boswell: “Don’t cant in defence of savages.”

John Derbyshire writes: If a white guy tells you he has conversations with plants, you should turn away in embarrassment. If Bob Randall tells you he heard the oak trees muttering, you should bow your head reverently. After his death, … Continue reading

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R. Shmuly Yanklowitz & Defanged Rabbis

The Jewish Libertarian writes: He destroyed Rubashkin’s because he felt the workers there were being mistreated. So he shut the place down. He makes his living destroying things that he personally finds objectionable without a second thought about the consequences … Continue reading

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Jewish Influence In The Media

Author and former Israel ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, tells the Jewish Journal: And one of the issues I had to deal with was the fact that Jews were disproportionately represented in the US media. You just need … Continue reading

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