Monthly Archives: May 2015

The American Way

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Growing up I felt no cultural identity whatsoever, other than American. The first Jewish person I remember meeting was a friend from elementary school, who one day stopped and said to me, “I’m Jewish.” I … Continue reading

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California Is Looking More Like Mexico Every Day

I fell in love with LA in 1982 when MTV came out and most of the music videos, it seemed, were shot in LA and filled with hot chicks. Now I go to the beach and it is mainly short … Continue reading

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Certain kinds of information seem only available through the UK press

Guess which sort of info I am talking about here? Yes, the race of the people doing bad things. Pictured: Woman who posed as social worker to stab new mother and kidnap baby to pass it off as her own … Continue reading

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Homos In Espionage

Comments to Steve Sailer on the Dennis Hastert scandal: * Homosexuals have been big in espionage, and I suspect homosexual networks have been big everywhere, for all time. Not so much for the blackmail, although homosexuals can blackmail people they … Continue reading

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WP: Anti-Semitic fliers left on Chevy Chase driveways

WP: The two-page fliers are a compilation of photocopied quotations from anti-Semitic documents. “Remove each and every Jew and Pro-Israel official from state and federal governments and financial organizations,” one corner of the flier says. The heading at the top … Continue reading

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