Monthly Archives: May 2015

Dennis Prager: Why the Left Won’t Call Rioters ‘Thugs’

Dennis Prager writes: Two months ago, The New York Times published an op-ed piece by a professor of philosophy titled, “Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts.” This is how the professor began his piece: “What would you … Continue reading

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Which Cities Have Improved Through An Influx Of Blacks?

Jim Goad writes: “For decades now, I’ve been begging the world to provide me with evidence of any place on Earth where basic living conditions—i.e., longevity, income, education, safety—improved rather than deteriorated subsequent to a large influx of blacks. Hell, … Continue reading

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The Four Planks Of A Dissident Party

From Heartiste: There are 3-4 major issues that Americans should fight on. 1. Immigration. There needs to be a permanent end to immigration to the US. Immigration lowers wages, erodes American culture, and creates a low-trust society. 2. Oligarchization. Our … Continue reading

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When Will The Goyim Get Their Act Together?

From Return of Kings: What amazes me is how methodical, patient, and determined Jews are in promoting their group interests. Such efforts should be commended and modeled. Why isn’t there such a group of Americans that do the same for … Continue reading

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I wonder if Dave Goldberg got this quality Mexican ambulance service?

Steve Sailer writes: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has been acting for several years like she’s intending to follow Fiorina and Whitman’s examples, although on the Democratic side, which may help explain the weird news coverage of her 47-year-old husband’s death … Continue reading

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