Monthly Archives: April 2015

Nazism As A Reaction To Anti-Racism

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: [Frans] Boas didn’t really change his mind on race until the 1930s. The cause is not hard to pinpoint. When he died in 1942, an obituary mentioned his alarm over the threat of Nazism: Dr. Boas, … Continue reading

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Illegals Will Never Make Australia Home

Steve Sailer writes: The statespersons of Europe seem baffled over what to do to prevent a large fraction of the 1.1 billion people of Africa from climbing into boats and inundating the heart of Christendom. One possibility, however, is to … Continue reading

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DailyMail: Nazi invasion of London EXPOSED

DailyMail: Nazi invasion of London EXPOSED: World’s top Holocaust deniers… filmed at secret race hate rally where Jews are referred to as the ‘enemy’ Shocking rally seen by undercover team at Grosvenor Hotel saw several speakers unleash sick anti-Semitic rants … Continue reading

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The Demographics Of Publishing

Comments: * I covered book publishing for more than 15 years as a reporter, up till the early 2000s, and during that time it was my impression that the editorial side of the business was about 3/4 female, and that … Continue reading

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Australia Tries To Rid Itself Of Persian Illegals

REPORT: Tehran (AFP) – Iran is not willing to accept its nationals being forcibly deported from Australia but will welcome back citizens of their own free will, a top official warned Sunday. The remarks by deputy foreign minister Hassan Ghashgavi … Continue reading

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