Monthly Archives: April 2015

America Should Copy Israel’s Immigration Policies

Chaim Amalek writes: “Nebech! What are all the liberal Hollywood Jews going to say or do about this? What will the ADL say or do? What will the SPLC say or do? I wish the media would not cover this … Continue reading

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Mass immigration causes overpopulation

Link: R.I.P. California (1850-2016): What We’ll Lose And Learn From The World’s First Major Water Collapse Chaim Amalek: “I would rather go thirsty than go without diversity, and so too would all sensible people.” “Just as man made industry by … Continue reading

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the Germanwings Pilot, Despair & Eroticized Rage

Topics include: Luke’s new Torah Talk show which relates the Torah’s text to modern day issues of Race, Nationalism, and Jewish Gentile relations Luke’s New Co-Host who is a beautiful young blonde Jewish girl who shares Luke’s passion for the … Continue reading

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