Monthly Archives: April 2015

Great News For Hasidim

REPORT: The Social Security Administration (SSA) approved disability benefits for hundreds of Puerto Ricans because they do not speak English, despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a predominantly Spanish-speaking territory. According to a new audit by the Office of … Continue reading

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As Jews Gain In Confidence, They Increasingly Assert Themselves

Chaim Amalek writes: “WHY does the NY Times see fit to provide this platform for antisemitic views, and during Passover no less! When Moshiach comes, no goyella will dare sit next to any one of us. They will leave on … Continue reading

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If Jews don’t prescribe the limits of speech, who will?

ADL: “Last month, ADL announced the release of a series of Best Practices designed by a working group of top industry leaders, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter, to address cyber-hate.” Chaim Amalek writes: “When Moshiach comes, no goy will … Continue reading

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Listen Up Goyim!

ADL: On a daily basis—in the lunchroom, at the grocery store, in school hallways and even at home—people hear and sometimes use words and phrases that demean, ridicule or demonstrate ignorance about people from different groups and backgrounds. Regardless of … Continue reading

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Is JSpaceNews A Plagiarism Site?

Compare this with this. JSPACENEWS:

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