Monthly Archives: April 2015

Kenya Is Tired Of Somalis

REPORT: The Kenyan government has given the UN three months to relocate the world’s largest refugee camp over the border to Somalia. Nairobi has vowed a tough response following the recent massacre by Somali jihadists.

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The First Gay Female President

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Today’s NYT spins Hilary as being potentially the first female nominee of either major party. This is how it’s going to work from now on. From 2016 to 2024, the first woman President. From 2024 … Continue reading

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Free Range Kids

I grew up in a home where from about age six on, I could wander around alone in the bush for hours without anyone worrying. From about age nine on, I could be gone all day without anyone worrying. I … Continue reading

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Who’s To Blame For AIDS?

Steve Sailer writes: “The AIDS epidemic in Greenwich Village, Castro Street, and West Hollywood wasn’t the fault of gay men engaging in industrial scale sodomy in Greenwich Village, Castro Street, and West Hollywood, it was the fault of everybody else … Continue reading

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American Jews & Immigration 2012

From the 2012 Jewish Yearbook: Another issue that continued to divide Americans was the status of an estimated 11 million undocumented aliens in the US. Arizona enacted legislation known as SB 1070 that some considered draconian. The law expressed as … Continue reading

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