Daily Archives: February 27, 2015

The Young Nazi

One of the wonderful things about the internet is that you get to talk to people you would not run into in your regular life. A young Nazi tells me about a recent meeting: “It was more or less fun, … Continue reading

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WP: American atheist blogger hacked to death in the street in Bangladesh

WP: An American atheist blogger who vocally opposed religious extremism has been hacked to death in a street in Bangladesh. Avijit Roy was a Bangladesh-born U.S. citizen who proved a prominent critic of ideological hatred in his native country. He … Continue reading

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After giving trillions of dollars of aid to Africans, we can conclude what?

Chris: “That it’s akin to throwing money down the toilet?”

Posted in Africa | Comments Off on After giving trillions of dollars of aid to Africans, we can conclude what?

Getting Around The Rules

Steven: Mormon murder victim Travis Alexander thought you could get around the rules if you have sex with non-vaginal orifices. I think it’s amusing that any religious person could imagine that mouth sex and butt sex are genuine loopholes around … Continue reading

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Does our mesorah (Jewish tradition) hold Jews responsible for getting tricked by the Cuthim or does it only berate the Cuthim (Samaritans)?

As I understand it, our mesorah only offers muted criticism of the fools who converted the Cuthim. A Beit Din who converts insincere converts should pay a price. I hope the foolish Jews who declared Jewish the Cushim from Ethiopia, … Continue reading

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