Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Young Nazi

One of the wonderful things about the internet is that you get to talk to people you would not run into in your regular life. A young Nazi tells me about a recent meeting: “It was more or less fun, … Continue reading

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WP: American atheist blogger hacked to death in the street in Bangladesh

WP: An American atheist blogger who vocally opposed religious extremism has been hacked to death in a street in Bangladesh. Avijit Roy was a Bangladesh-born U.S. citizen who proved a prominent critic of ideological hatred in his native country. He … Continue reading

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After giving trillions of dollars of aid to Africans, we can conclude what?

Chris: “That it’s akin to throwing money down the toilet?”

Posted in Africa | Comments Off on After giving trillions of dollars of aid to Africans, we can conclude what?

Getting Around The Rules

Steven: Mormon murder victim Travis Alexander thought you could get around the rules if you have sex with non-vaginal orifices. I think it’s amusing that any religious person could imagine that mouth sex and butt sex are genuine loopholes around … Continue reading

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Does our mesorah (Jewish tradition) hold Jews responsible for getting tricked by the Cuthim or does it only berate the Cuthim (Samaritans)?

As I understand it, our mesorah only offers muted criticism of the fools who converted the Cuthim. A Beit Din who converts insincere converts should pay a price. I hope the foolish Jews who declared Jewish the Cushim from Ethiopia, … Continue reading

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