Monthly Archives: February 2015

Why Is South Korea So Rich?

Will its experiment in multi-culturalism and multi-racialism lead to more prosperity? Will immigrants show the way forward? Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: “You’ll see Filipinos, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indonesians, other SE Asians, and then you’ll see your Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans…..they … Continue reading

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Homeland Security

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I do background investigations for the U.S. Government for national security clearances. (confidential, secret, top secret, SCI, et al.). I would say 25-30% of my work involves recent immigrants from the third world [non-Latin America]. … Continue reading

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The Planet’s Racial Breakdown In 2011

According to projections: 4.5B Asians 4-4.5B Blacks 1B Whites 1B Hispanics * Haiti has ten 10,000 foreign NGOs but hours of Internet searching found maybe one or two that were doing anything related to family planning.

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Death Comes to Pemberley

Steve Sailer writes: The TV miniseries adaptation of Death Comes to Pemberley isn’t bad. They should have had more scenes of Elizabeth Bennett sparring wittily with the grande dame, but it’s a pretty good Tory worldview TV, in the manner … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Have Deep Roots In A Community?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The NYT story, of course, is ridiculous. It repeatedly states that the Latino community has “deep roots” in Pasco, yet it cites low levels of civic involvement perhaps due to “apathy”. The victim himself had … Continue reading

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