Monthly Archives: January 2015

Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing antisemitism

A friend says: If the Jewish organizations succeed in getting the EU ban to outlaw Holocaust denial, they will then try to get the U.S. to follow suit. To be fair, I think it was classy of them to wait … Continue reading

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50 Shades Of Grey

Chaim Amalek: I do not approve of so-called erotica. It is of a piece with Bikram Yoga, iPhones, cats, sleeping with a large dog, and concern for the 3rd World.

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A Boy From The Bronx

I surfed to and put in “Rakeffet” and the first result was for a 2009 talk Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff gave titled, “A Boy From The Bronx.” “Rabbi Rakeffet discusses the many different spiritual influences he had in his youth.” … Continue reading

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Americans Down Under In WWII

According to local legend, several hundred Australian soldiers took up arms and started shooting at an encampment of American soldiers near Townsville. The Americans began shooting back. Finally the officers managed to calm things down. Australians couldn’t countenance that black … Continue reading

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The Jews In Australia

Prior to age 22, I never once had a conversation about “the Jews.” My friends, family and relatives never talked to me about “the Jews.” We all admired the pluck of Israel, but I had to convert to Judaism to … Continue reading

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