Monthly Archives: January 2015

For The Love Of Jesus

Around 10 a.m. today, I walked past the bus stop on Pico and Robertson Blvds (south-east corner) and watched this hulking black guy loom over a scared little old Oriental lady and ask her for his bus fare. “I hate … Continue reading

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The Australian Moment: How We Were Made For These Times II

I’m reading this 2012 book: * The chapter “From Olive to Yellow” recounts the change in Australian immigration from British to south European to Asian. George Megalogenis writes: My favorite opinion poll is the one that would have stopped my … Continue reading

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What Formed Your Sexuality?

What formed your love map, your erotic template? If it goes unexamined, we might find we are doing things that are bad for us because we haven’t taken the time to understand our drives. Just because we do something doesn’t … Continue reading

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Mishpacha Magazine Profiles LGAT (Large Group Awareness Therapy)

Examples of LGAT include Tony Robbins, Call of the Shofar, and The Possible You seminar. Mishpacha

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Her Task Is To Instill Sexual Desire In Orthodox Wives

I wish her much mazal! From the New York Times: The suggestions ranged from the seemingly modest to the more direct, from reading romance novels to kissing with the lights on to wearing a lacy nightgown to his touching her … Continue reading

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