Monthly Archives: December 2014

Microsoft Sues Marc Haberman

I previously posted about Marc Haberman years ago. Now Gigaom reports: Microsoft filed a lawsuit on Thursday against a bogus tech support service that allegedly used the company’s name to persuade victims, many of them seniors, to pay hundreds of … Continue reading

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WP: Ebola’s lessons, painfully learned at great cost in dollars and human lives

The Washington Post misses the most important lesson of Ebola and AIDS and gonorrhea and the like — stupid people do stupid things and the more stupid people you let into your country, the more stupid the results. WP reports: … Continue reading

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Airline safety correlates strongly with the average IQ of the home country of the airline

You really don’t want to fly Air Asia (a low-cost Malaysian airline) or Malaysia Air or Egypt Air or Iran Air or Air Zimbabwe. Instead, fly a white or a North-East Asian airline. It’s not a coincidence that Malaysia keeps … Continue reading

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My Blue Heaven (1990)

This movie reminds me of some of the negative effect of immigration on America. A mobster from New York is relocated through the Witness Protection program to a nice white town outside of San Diego and he immediately goes on … Continue reading

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Jews Mastering The World

From The Jew Accused: Three Anti-Semitic Affairs (Dreyfus, Beilis, Frank) 1894-1915 by academic Albert S. Lindemann: Observers as different as Winston Churchill and Theodore Herzl firmly believed that international Jewry exercised enormous power in international relations. Even figures who passed … Continue reading

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