Monthly Archives: December 2014

Shooting Near Hamilton High School – Robertson Blvd/10 Freeway

From FB: I heard that 3 people were shot near Robertson and the 10. Hamilton high school is on a precautionary lock down. UPDATE: The lockdown is over. LA TIMES. From (latest tweets first): SHOOTING UPDATE: Appears shooting is … Continue reading

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How To Make It In The Media

The key to making it in the media as a story is to tell them the story they want to hear, whether it is about white gang rapists at UVA or Duke, or a 17 year old named “Mohammed Islam” … Continue reading

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The Decline Of America’s Middle Class

From comments to Steve Sailer: * Ezra comments: Speaking of MSM obliviousness, heres a long WaPo feature about the decline of the American middle class. Now, it goes w/o saying that immigration is never mentioned as a possible reason. That’s … Continue reading

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The Kishinev pogroms

According to Wikipedia: “The Kishinev pogroms were an anti-Jewish riot that took place in Kishinev (Chişinău), then the capital of the province of Bessarabia in the Russian Empire (now the capital of the Republic of Moldova), on April 19-20, 1903, … Continue reading

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NYT: A Brooklyn School’s Curriculum Includes Ambition

Winnie Hu reports: There are just three blocks between the housing project where Kareem Butler lives and Mott Hall Bridges Academy, where he is in seventh grade, was named a scholar of the month and plays on the basketball team. … Continue reading

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