Monthly Archives: November 2014

William Lind On Christianity Vs Paganism

Right-wing pundit William S. Lind: “Christianity has never officially approved of forced conversion. The Church has always acknowledged that belief must come from the heart and the mind. This is different from Islam where once somebody has said the formula, … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Fascism, Holocaust, Islam, Jews, Nazi | Comments Off on William Lind On Christianity Vs Paganism

An Aussie Complaint About Obama

An Australian told me on Skype Sunday: I’ve got a complaint to make about Sambo, your president. Cheeky little bastard. When he came to Brisbane, he gave the authorities there two days notice that he wanted a venue for young … Continue reading

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Dirty Jew Slur On Fairfax Last Night

Batya emails: Honorable J. Lacey District Attorney County of Los Angeles 210 West Temple Street, Suite 18000 Los Angeles, CA 90012-3210 Last night, about 8:00 o’clock, after a concert at LACMA, I stopped at the 99 Cents Only store, Wilshire … Continue reading

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Are Attacks On Jews Attacks On God?

Which perspective do you find more useful? That different groups have different interests or that attacks on Jews are attacks on God? A rabbi writes: Let’s be clear. The attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem was not an attack against … Continue reading

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LilyHammer Season 3 Now On Netflix

You can’t watch this show and think that Norway is better off for the presence of Muslims and other foreigners. Why would any land want to import people who have allegiances above their new homeland? Baltimore Sun review: And I’ll … Continue reading

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