Monthly Archives: November 2014

What’s The Difference Between Right & Left?

The leading intellectual of the Right, Paul Gottfried, says: “The Right is not only unconcerned about inequality, but is based upon a principle of inequality. Inequality is the natural human condition. Men and women are different. There’s an order of … Continue reading

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Muslim Men Whip Themselves Into A Frenzy

I am informed from someone on the Upper East Side that there is some sort of muslim parade she can see from her apartment where the muslim men are whipping themselves into a bloody frenzy. But none of this is … Continue reading

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Poverty Lowers IQ

The news media love stories about things that lower IQ, such as poverty. Here’s a report from 2013: Poverty and all its related concerns require so much mental energy that the poor have less remaining brainpower to devote to other … Continue reading

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