Monthly Archives: November 2014

Eugene Girin: The Evil Hypocrisy of the Jewish Establishment in Australia

Eugene Girin writes: Even before the recent victory of rightwing Catholic Tony Abbott’s Liberal-National coalition in Australia, the previous Labor government was instituting measures to stem the flow of mass immigration. Outgoing leftist PM Kevin Rudd said of the new … Continue reading

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You Can’t Raise Your Kids’ IQ

From FoxNews: Researchers found that parental socialization had no detectable influence on children’s intelligence later in life. “Previous research that has detected parenting-related behaviors affect intelligence is perhaps incorrect because it hasn’t taken into account genetic transmission,” study author Kevin … Continue reading

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Can A Jewish Woman Save The NFL?

Jews don’t tend to play tackle football. We’re more likely to own a sports team than to play for one. Domestic violence usually means that two morons have been going at each other and the littler one lost. I was … Continue reading

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The Catcall Experiment In New Zealand

When 24-year-old aspiring actress Shoshana Roberts was filmed with a hidden camera walking around New York in a plain T-shirt, jeans and trainers she received 108 “catcalls”. Here’s what happened when the Herald carried out the same experiment in Auckland. … Continue reading

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How Often Do You See Orthodox Jews Strolling?

New York Times journalist Joseph Berger writes in his book The Pious Ones: The World of Hasidim and Their Battles with America: Suddenly, in what looks like a whimsical scene out of a Truffaut movie, a Hasid wheels by on … Continue reading

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