Monthly Archives: November 2014

World Domination

“We share the material world and its material ways with all other nations. We are dispersed among and interact with the nations. By serving G-d in these foreign countries and harnessing the physical towards a spiritual end, we bring about … Continue reading

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Are You Phony If You Act Differently Around Women?

Doc Love says: Because you’re going to start treating women as women, and when you do that instead of treating them like men, you’re going to be more successful in your relationships. And you’re not tricking a woman into liking … Continue reading

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The Strippercise Girl Who Went To Aish Ha Torah

I met a Jewish girl who went to Aish at a bar and I bought her some drinks and I drove her home and she was telling me about this Strippercise class she was taking and then we got back … Continue reading

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Unchosen: The Memoirs of a Philo-Semite by Julie Burchill

Her ex-husband writes: Unchosen is the journalist Julie Burchill’s account of how she — a bright and bratty working-class girl from Bristol — fell in love with the Jewish race. It’s an exhilarating and exasperating mix of the utterly brilliant … Continue reading

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ADL blasts Americans who want to restrict immigration from Ebola countries, but says nothing about Israel doing the same

Here is the ADL press release: As news broke of the first per­son inside the U.S. diag­nosed with the deadly Ebola virus, anti-immigrant groups seized the oppor­tu­nity to use this infor­ma­tion as a way to speak out against “mass immi­gra­tion.” … Continue reading

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