Monthly Archives: November 2014

Just when we had the goyim convinced that there was nothing about Jewish Hollywood or Homos for them to worry about….this…

I hope this does not awaken them from their deep slumber. The goyim seem quiet as of late. Are they planning something against us? Relax. It just means that Hollywood, Television and televised sports are doing what we expect of … Continue reading

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Who Needs Democracy?

Sheldon Adelson said recently: “I don’t think the Bible says anything about democracy. [God] didn’t talk about Israel remaining as a democratic state… Israel isn’t going to be a democratic state — so what?” I agree with this approach for … Continue reading

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Two Time Super Bowl Champ Went To Daf Yomi

Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: “At my shul in Manhattan, I had two-time Super Bowl champ, former 49er John Frank. He was the first one there in my daf yomi shiur. He was there before I got there. He said, ‘Coach Jimmy … Continue reading

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The Bad Part Of Town

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Would you send your daughter anywhere there’s a one in five chance she’ll be raped?” “What are you chances of being mugged if you walk in a bad part of town?” Where … Continue reading

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The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Gets A Great Deal!

HIAS tweets: “HIAS post-it notes at our #JFNAGA booth. We don’t want to take any back with us–come grab yours!” @HIASrefugees I could get these printed for you less than what you’re paying now @ a printing press using undocumented … Continue reading

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