Monthly Archives: November 2014

Why Did Brazil Have To Stop Serving Beer During Soccer Matches?

I have East-Asian friends who cannot tolerate alcohol. A sip and they flush bright red. On the other hand, many people enjoy alcohol too much. I suspect there’s a genetic component to this. I notice that groups who love to … Continue reading

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To Love Jews Is To Not Know Jews?

I’m looking at this ADL listing of the most Jew-friendly countries in the world and it seems that Asian countries where most people have never met a Jew are the most Jew-friendly. From the ADL: “The least anti-Semitic country overall … Continue reading

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The Wonderful Terrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl

This is a great documentary on the greatest movie director of the Third Reich. I’ve been binge-watching documentaries about the Nazis. I don’t know much, but it seems like Nazism was a variant of nationalism and all nationalisms require the … Continue reading

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Is Australia Headed For An Asian Takeover?

When I grew up in Australia (most of 1966 to 1977), the country was more than 95% white. Now it is about 87% white and an increasing percentage of the country’s top jobs are going to Asians, who are becoming … Continue reading

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Was The G-20 Summit A Disaster For Australia?

Robyn Dixon writes for the LA Times: The adolescent country. The bit player. The shrimp of the schoolyard. For Australians it’s not so bad — most of the time — to be so far away, so overlooked, so seemingly insignificant … Continue reading

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