Monthly Archives: October 2014

How Jews Can Be A Blessing To The World?

If the nations of the West would but emulate Zionism in its tribalism, Israel would finally get to be a light unto the nations of the world. Chaim: “Finally, a bible prophecy come true! How many others have? And why … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Klimas (who also treats HIV/AIDS) says that if she had to choose between having HIV and having CFS, she’d unquestionably choose HIV’

From the Washington Post: Klimas couldn’t cure me, but she helped. She gave me immune modulators so my immune system wouldn’t overrev as though I were fighting an eternal flu. She worked to improve my sleep, suggesting a monitor to … Continue reading

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FM: Senior Chabad Rebbetzin ‘Apologizes’ To Abuse Victim – But Only Under Pressure And Only Indirectly

Shmarya Rosenberg writes: Rebbetzin Pnina Feldman ‘apologized’ today to anti-child-sex-abuse activist Manny Waks, a co-founder of the anti-child-sex-abuse nonprofit organization Tzedek. But Feldman’s ‘apology’ was issued to the Australian Jewish News, not to Waks directly, and was only issued after … Continue reading

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Birthright Israel Salaries

I went to and found this 990 form filed for 2012, which listed salaries as follows: Twelve employees made over $153,000 each for 2012, and one guy made over $400,000.

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American Jewish World Service Salaries

I went to and found this 990 form filed for 2013, which listed salaries as follows: * Ruth Messinger (president): ~$330,000 * Monica Anderson-Snow: ~$156,000 * Robert Bank: ~$282,000 * Kristine Stallone: ~$142,000 * Aaron Dorfman: ~$223,000 * Stephanie … Continue reading

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