Monthly Archives: October 2014

As Though He Were Human

A Lubavitcher told me he didn’t like this Joseph Telushkin’s biography, Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History because “it treated the Rebbe as though he were human.”

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Mizrahim Vs Sephardic Vs Ashkenazi Life Results In Israel

Mizrahim (Jews from Arab lands) average IQ is about 90, Sephardic average is about 97, Ashkenazi average is about 112, hence their disparate life results and lack of integration. These basic facts of life are missing from this long Mosaic … Continue reading

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Is America’s Big Problem A Lack Of Decent Schooling?

My former UCLA Economics professor Russ Roberts is out with a new book (How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness). In an interview with Reason magazine, he says: “I wish more people … Continue reading

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Professional Jews Keep Shabbos For A Living “Telushkin, likewise, said he now refrains from using the word “deadline” for a project because it connotes death; he now uses “due date,” which ironically connotes exactly the opposite—birth.” Friends who love this new book said that they tried … Continue reading

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HIAS Lets Bibi Have It!

A friend says: Do did you hear the big news? HIAS “scored” Bibi on his treatment of African refugees. To be clear, Israel rounds up the African refugees, throws them in the camp, and when they can’t take it anymore … Continue reading

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