Daily Archives: September 14, 2014

Salaries At Jewish World Watch

I went to Guidestar.org and found this 990 form filed for 2012, which listed salaries as follows: Fred Kramer, former executive director: $106,586 For 2011: Fred Kramer: $64,760 Tzivia Schwartz-Getzug: $92,600 For 2010: Tzivia Schwartz-Getzug: ~$136,000

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Salaries At Mazon – The Jewish Response To Hunger

I went to Guidestar.org and found this 990 form filed for 2012, which listed salaries as follows: Abby J. Leibman (CEO): ~$181,000

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Did Illegals Bring Us Our Mystery Virus?

Report: Twin Cities internist Chris Foley is a faithful reader whom I know in his professional capacity. Today he writes to address the case of the mystery virus: It might be worth a short commentary re the connection between the … Continue reading

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What Was Janay Angry About?

Blog: Watching the video in which Ray Rice knocked out his fiancée (now wife) Janay, the thought occurs: What was she so angry about? Everybody has focused on the obvious horror of Rice’s punch — the brute force of a … Continue reading

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Which Are The Female-Dominated Majors?

Report: Today’s trends The woman-dominated majors of today are unsurprising to anyone who has attended a large university in the U.S.: Health Professions (85% women): nursing assistant, veterinary assistant, dental assistant, etc. Public Administration (82%): social work, public policy, etc. … Continue reading

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