Monthly Archives: September 2014

The American Freedom Party Platform

I just reviewed the AFP’s platform and mission statement and I saw nothing in it against Jews. I can’t see anything in this platform that gets me nervous. What am I missing? Is the American Freedom Party good for the … Continue reading

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The War On Noticing

I don’t think the paper has anything to apologize for. A black hockey player stands out, particularly in that picture. From Jim Romenesko: NEWSPAPERS APOLOGIZE FOR CUTLINE IDENTIFYING BLACK HOCKEY PLAYER AS ‘DARK GUY IN THE MIDDLE’ The cutline ran … Continue reading

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The Atlantic: At Group Sex Parties, Strict Rules Make for Safe Spaces

How do you create a place where nobody gets hurt? You make lots of rules. In traditional Jewish life, people usually know the rules and this creates a safe space. The same principle holds true for swinging. The Atlantic: Inside … Continue reading

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Kosher Meets Hipster?

Anna Goren writes a stupid article for The Atlantic: American Millennials follow Jewish dietary laws at nearly twice the rate of Baby Boomers, perhaps finding the ancient laws fit well with contemporary concerns about sustainability… Younger Jews keep kosher at … Continue reading

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My Two Minutes Before The John Birch Society

I heard Tomislav Sunic (a board member of the American Freedom Party) tonight address the John Birch Society at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. There was an even mixture of pro-Jewish and anti-Jewish sentiments at the meeting but nobody said … Continue reading

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