Monthly Archives: September 2014

Adrian Peterson and America’s Multiple Partner Problem

The article never mentions race. As with many social pathologies, the problem it addresses is most acute in black life and least acute among East-Asians. Fundamentally, I blame white racism. Essay: Decades of research has consistently demonstrated that the safest … Continue reading

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The Jewish State

UCLA Psychology professor Patricia Marks Greenfield writes in the Washington Post: Israel is a full-fledged multiethnic, multireligious society, and it must provide equal legal and day-to-day treatment to all its citizens, no matter their ethnic or religious background. Unfortunately, this … Continue reading

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Ethiopians Struggle In Israel

Once you understand that the average Israeli Ethiopian IQ is around 63, all their problems become clear. Life is hard for almost everyone with IQs under 90. Ethiopian Jews are not Jewish by genes. They were taken in as “Jews” … Continue reading

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The Jewish Plan For World Domination

I’m reading the Chayenu (Chabad) commentary on the Torah portion of Ki Seitzei (Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19): …The Jewish people as a whole are to serve as an idealization and inspiration for humanity at large. Analogously, God set the Land of Israel … Continue reading

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Burning Mordecai Kaplan’s Siddur In 1945

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: This burning of a Jewish book, coming so soon after the end of the Holocaust and so much at odds with the American tradition of freedom of expression, horrified both Jews and non-Jews. The fact … Continue reading

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