Monthly Archives: September 2014

Conspiracy Theories

I was asked in shul on Shabbos if I believe in conspiracy theories, such as the Illumanati, Free Masons, etc, control the world? Do I believe in lizard people who live far beneath the earth? I don’t believe in those … Continue reading

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‘Welcome To The Dark-Skinned Ones’

One Sabbath, I joined a Sephardic kiddush (snacks). One Sephardi looked at me, smiled, and said, “Welcome to the dark-skinned ones.” The average Ashkenazi IQ is around 112 while the average Sephardi IQ is about 95, lower than the white … Continue reading

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Race and Crime: A Biosocial Analysis

Book Description: This book examines the incendiary issue of racial variation in crime rates in the United States and in many other countries using a variety of data sources. It examines the latest genetic data asserting the reality of the … Continue reading

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How Many Orthodox Pulpit Rabbis On The West Coast Earn More Than $500K A Year?

I am sure Rabbi Elazar Muskin at YICC and Rabbi Kalman Topp at Beth Jacob earn (or could earn) over $500,000 a year (counting all benefits and tax advantages and paid tuition for their children, unless the rabbis decline this … Continue reading

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Thinking Like A Goy

Kid: “I’m learning Spanish.” Luke: “So you can be a gardener?” Friend to me: “You’re thinking like a goy. It’s so he can talk to his gardener.”

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