Monthly Archives: September 2014

A Little Ditty About Ray & Janay

Ray, you sho is a lucky man. Uh person can see every place you hit her… Take some uh dese ol’ rusty black women and dey would fight yuh all night long and next day nobody couldn’t tell you ever … Continue reading

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Busted: A Tale of Corruption and Betrayal in the City of Brotherly Love

Wendy Ruderman writes: I’d already gained a reputation as the go-to reporter for people who had run-ins with cops. I’d written stories about a cop caught with a racist sticker in his locker… Whoa! A racist sticker in his locker? … Continue reading

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Killing Gays For Allah

From Gateway Pundit: Radical Islamist Ali Muhammad Brown used the popular gay hookup app ‘Grindr’ to commit mass murder. So far the mainstream media has mostly ignored this story. Muhammad Brown murdered three gay men in Seattle as a part … Continue reading

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Eulogies For Dennis Prager’s Father Max

Listen here. Dennis Prager’s second wife, Francine Prager, died February 4, 2014. From the online obituary: Prager, Francine (Flentje), 66, passed away on February 4, 2014, near her home in Thousand Oaks, California. Her children, Anya Wayne and Aaron Prager … Continue reading

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93% of Democratic Senate or Governor Candidates Are White

From Red State: In total, the Democrats are running five non-white candidates, which is fewer than the number of white guys named “Mark” they are running (Senators Udall, Begich, Pryor and Warner, Governor Dayton, and gubernatorial candidate Schauer, all in … Continue reading

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