Monthly Archives: September 2014

Shlomo Einhorn – The Rock Star Rabbi

From Shlomo Einhorn Yavneh Hebrew Academy | Los Angeles, Calif. The Orthodox Union’s synagogue guru Shlomo Einhorn is a rock star rabbi. And it’s not just because he has his own album. It’s because the 35-year-old is one of … Continue reading

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Muslims In Los Angeles

Prior to a couple of years ago, I never saw any Muslim women in full hijab in Los Angeles. Now I see them regularly (particularly at a children’s store in the Century City mall). I suspect Muslims are growing in … Continue reading

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My Water Conservation Plan For California (And America)

* Expel illegal aliens. * Expel the descendants of illegal aliens who aren’t super-productive. * Protect the border. * Place a $5,000 a year tax on non-productive citizens, encouraging them to move. * Expel third-world immigrants (unless super-productive). * Expel … Continue reading

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European Jews Hiding Their Jewishness?

I wonder if Jews supported the goyim in developing strong racial, national and religious bonds (similar to such Jewish ties), then in turn the goyim would have more positive views of Jews? For the past 50 or so years, many … Continue reading

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More Jews Embracing Far-Right Immigration Restriction In France

This could happen elsewhere as well as Jews wake up to the idea that multi-culturalism and multi-racism is neither good for them nor for their host countries. In England, most Jews support severe immigration restriction, in particular, no more Muslims. … Continue reading

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