Monthly Archives: September 2014

Ashkenazi Heat Sensitivity

Ashkenazi Jews seem to have an extreme heat sensitivity. I made the mistake of shifting the thermostat overnight during the heat wave to 78 from 71 and the poor Ashkenazim were all schvitzing and kvetching until they caught on what … Continue reading

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Jews & The Marketplace Of Ideas

Steve Sailer writes in 2010: Jews, like Cubans, have earned the right to special privileges due to their political power. Just as Cuban exiles have controlled American foreign policy toward Cuba and won their relatives unique status as refugees rather … Continue reading

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Jews & Noblesse Oblige

Steve Sailer writes in 2010: In 2006, blogger Noah Millman was surprised by a rabbi`s Purim sermon. Not by the message—Write your Congressman about Darfur!—but by the unusual explanation the rabbi offered: noblesse oblige. “He compared the position of the … Continue reading

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Losing Your Civilization Vs Stopping Illegal Aliens

If the West is to survive, it might need to stop those attempting to enter it illegally. My foreign policy prescription is to defend yourself against invasion, including the invasion of illegal aliens, and to abstain from invading others. Defending … Continue reading

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Blacks & Muslims In El Salvador

I was talking to a bloke from El Salvador who just visited home. “If you’re black and you visit El Salvador,” he says, “you’ve got ten days [to visit] and you’re out. If you’re Muslim, you’ve got a ten days … Continue reading

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