Monthly Archives: August 2014

Did White Flight Destroy Ferguson?

Steve Sailer writes: In the St. Louis metro area, a black was elected mayor of East St. Louis way back in 1971. Unfortunately, the population of East St. Louis has dropped from 70,000 in 1970 to 27,000 in 2010 as … Continue reading

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Baseball vs Cricket

This book came out in 2003 — ‘Playing Hardball – A Kent County Cricketer’s Journey into Big League Baseball’. It seems like a good way to learn about the cultural differences between America and the British Commonwealth. Here are some … Continue reading

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What Do They Want In Ferguson?

Robert Weisberg writes: African Americans in Ferguson, MO are demanding justice over the shooting of Michael Brown. But, a clear-eyed observer might conclude differently: what they really want is vengeance, a public lynching, hauling out Officer Darren Wilson in chains, … Continue reading

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The Prostitute In Medieval Jewish History

Dan Rabinowitz writes: Finally, we turn to R. Yechezkel Landau, author of Shu”t Noda B’Yehuda, and although he is not discussing prostitution in general, but it is worthwhile to mention a specific case of Havah Bernstein, wife of the Chief … Continue reading

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Sex With Non-Jewish Women Vs Sex With Jewish Prostitutes

An easy way to see a difference between the Jewish and Christian approaches to sex is to contrast the Jewish state of Israel with Christian countries such as the United States when it comes to prostitution. Using a prostitute is … Continue reading

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