Daily Archives: May 1, 2014

Rabbis & Child Abuse

Benny posts on FB: Rabbinical authorities (and I can name many) have been at the forefront of dealing with this issue within the community. For the past 50 years, ideas like mesirah (informing to gentile authorities) and loshon horah (gossip) … Continue reading

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Tribalists Don’t Have The Same Relationship To The Nation-State As WASPs

Chaim Amalek: “Years ago I met an old ABC (American born Chinese) friend from still further back who made it big in some corner of software design. He spoke of all the engineers he had hired. In China. And all … Continue reading

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Racism Is Goyisha Nonsense

I get my worldview from Torah. Torah is not concerned with races and it does not recognize any such sin as “racism” and therefore Torah Jews should never concern themselves about whether or not something or someone is “racist.” “Racism” … Continue reading

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