Monthly Archives: March 2014

I Hate Gmail

Over the past 36 hours, about 15 routine emails I’ve sent out (including to some people I’ve exchanged email with previously at these identical email addresses) have been rejected and returned as spam. I get this response to each failure … Continue reading

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7 Women You Meet on JDate

Ester Steinberg is the actress in this, Jason Horton is the bloke. The seven women you meet on JDate are: 1.Persian Princess from Beverly Hills 2.The Girl from Camp 3.Agent Mogul 4.Israeli Soldier 5.Crude Comedian 6.Just Got Back from Birthright … Continue reading

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Monica Foster Dishes The Jewish Dirt

On March 5, 2014, a friend sent me a link to The site immediately grabbed my attention. I looked to see who made it and saw the name “Monica Foster.” I’d heard that name many times before over the … Continue reading

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Bad For The Jews

Historian Marc B. Shapiro gets flak for revealing things about Jews and Judaism that are widely seen as negative. Marc defended himself here: “And believe me, there are plenty of “unsavory” things I have not printed here on the Seforim … Continue reading

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Who Was The Last American Politician Who Was a Public Intellectual?

I think it was the sociologist and politician Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who noted that Americans tend to behave more sanely the closer to Canada they live. Newt Gingrich thinks of himself as one but none of his books stand up … Continue reading

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