Monthly Archives: February 2014

Australia’s Dirtiest Jobs Going To Immigrants

Like America before it, Australia is increasingly turning over its dirtiest jobs to immigrants. You won’t often find an Australian working in an abbatoir anymore, while 20 years ago, all of these jobs were handled by Australians. Now they are … Continue reading

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Jews & The Fight Against Racism In Post-WWII England

Sunday, I interviewed by Skype Anglo-Jewry historian Geoffrey Alderman ( He is the author of 22 books, including Modern British Jewry. Here are some highlights of our discussion about fewer than .5% of Britain’s population. Listen. Luke: “I’m interested in … Continue reading

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The Case For Invading New Zealand

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Make A Realistic Wish Foundation

Why go to any trouble when they’re only going to die anyway?

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The Arrival Of Race-Based Medicine

Would it be better to let people die rather than face up to the fact of very real genetic differences between the races? From Forbes: A flood of studies has emerged showing racial differences in how patients suffer from disease–or … Continue reading

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