Monthly Archives: February 2014

How To Use Facebook

Under most posts I read on is a button allowing you to share the post on your own wall. Many times when I do that, I then get a request from the original poster to delete the post or … Continue reading

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Who? Whom?

Who will win? Whom do we take from? That was Lenin’s philosophy. Says Wikipedia: “Who, whom? is a Bolshevist principle or slogan which was formulated by Lenin in the Russian language as кто кого (kto kogo). In Lenin’s view, this … Continue reading

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White On Black Crime

From “This video tells the story of a black teenager in Florida who was killed by a white man after an argument over loud music. The slain youth’s father shares his loss.” Patrick Buchanan writes: After researching the FBI … Continue reading

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Two LA Haredim Indicted For Bank Fraud

FM reports: Two Los Angeles haredim, Aviv Mizrahi (AKA Aviv Shoham Schwartz) and Rabbi Aryeh Greenes, have reportedly fled to Israel to escape an indictment for bank fraud. LOS ANGELES ( — The FBI says two US citizens have fled … Continue reading

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The Bell Curve Controversy

Sociologist Linda S. Gottfredson said in 2009: The Bell Curve had pushed intelligence onto the front pages. Some journalists were seeking balance in their coverage of the book. They must have been referred to me as a willing expert for … Continue reading

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