Category Archives: Europe

Prescient! NYT In January: Donald Trump Finds New City to Insult: Brussels

New York Times Jan. 27, 2016: LONDON — He incensed Paris and London by saying that some of their neighborhoods were so overrun with radicals that the police were too scared to enter. He raised Scottish tempers by threatening to … Continue reading

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Rabbi Abraham Cooper: How we must respond to Brussels

Surprise! He calls for another war in the Middle East and more censorship. Rabbi Cooper writes: What must European leaders do? First, get rid of the open-borders Shengen Agreement, which allows unencumbered travel between 26 European countries. It has been … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Hillary Speaks Out Against Walls Around America, Demands More Surveillance in America

Comments: * I like how obtuse opponents are by focusing on a wall as if that is the only component to fighting the problem. If the political will ever comes about to adequately secure the southern border with proper fencing, … Continue reading

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‘Europe is safe and secure, thanks to their multicultural diverse Defense Ministers.’

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Terror In Brussels

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think their goal is the age old islamic goal of conquering all of Europe. That is the prize of prizes. They’ve had pretty good success. They held onto parts of Iberia for 700 years. … Continue reading

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