Category Archives: Europe

Why Is Europe Using Its Navy To Bring In Migrants, Rather Than To Keep Them Out?

The Guardian: Italy coastguard: 3,000 migrants rescued in one day in Mediterranean “No casualties reported as Italy reports navy ships, patrol boats and other vessels picked up migrants crammed aboard various craft off the Libyan coast.” I thought armed forces … Continue reading

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Knesset Member Launches Symbolic Campaign to Label European Products to Protest ‘Antisemitic’ Policy

Different groups have different interests. The interests of Jews, Europeans and Muslims conflict. Jews used to call for Palestinians to fight for their cause without violence, but that’s what BDS is — fighting for the Palestinians without violence. Jews don’t … Continue reading

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French Jews ask ministry to probe incitement at rally against Jewish thinker

It seems to me that anyone who supported the overthrow of Mohammar Qaddafi in Libya deserves condemnation. Europe would not be overrun by millions of Muslim and African migrants if that had not happened. Most Jews of course take no … Continue reading

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EU: Up to 3 Million More Migrants by End of Next Year

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What a poisonous pack of lies. The flow of “migrants” and “refugees” is generated entirely by the treachery of European governments who opened their borders to them. Sweden’s projected intake will increase its population by … Continue reading

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NYT References The Dark Enlightenment

Ross Douthat, the best NYT columnist in my view, he presents HBD (Human Bio-Diversity), WN (White Nationalism) and DE (Dark Enlightenment) themes for the mainstream, writes about the new novel Submission: “I sort of knew this going in but even … Continue reading

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