Category Archives: Europe

Neo-Con Wisdom From Max Boot

Max Boot tweets: “Problem in EU is failure to assimilate Muslim immigrants. US has done better job, but Trump attacks alienate Muslims & threaten security.” Comments: * So the solution for Europe is more Muslim immigration, to show we care. … Continue reading

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The Muslim Question

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve never been to Belgium, but I was shocked at the footage of the arrest a few days ago. I could not understand why the reporters and officials were so jubilant that they made an … Continue reading

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Jewish group on Brussels attacks: ‘Shots at the heart of Europe’

Has any group done more than Jews to bring more muslims into the West? If you find snakes in your bedroom, do you hate the snakes or do you hate those who put them there? From JTA: Jewish groups expressed … Continue reading

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The Best Part Of Obama’s Interview With The Atlantic

Barack Hussein Obama: “If only everyone could be like the Scandinavians, this would all be easy.”

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Why Doesn’t Europe Defend Itself From The Muslim/African Invasion Of Refugees?

Steve Sailer writes: “It’s almost as if Europe should have policies in place to defend itself from being overrun by guys in shiny tracksuits so that it doesn’t really matter what Putin is up to with regard to immigration in … Continue reading

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