Category Archives: Conspiracy

Conspiracy Theories & The JFK Assassination

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Steve Sailer: Brazile Dedicates Her Book to (Among Others) Seth Rich

Steve Sailer writes: If Seth Rich struggled with his attackers and was alive and talking to the emergency responders, what did he say? All I’ve been able to read is that he was “confused” because he gave as his address … Continue reading

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‘A Racial Program For The 20th Century’

I just read this comment on The Realist Report and thought to myself, this does not seem right: The Jewish lobby should be worried because their true agenda is coming into view of the American public more and more everyday. … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: NYT Tries to Reintroduce Readers to the Concept of “The Deep State”

Steve Sailer writes: A cultural change over my lifetime has been whether it’s cool to believe in the existence of a deep state. There was first a big change from the 1960s to the 1970s, when handsome actors like Warren … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories Rife In African-American Community

In the Seventh-Day Adventist world I grew up in, conspiracy theories flourished. I find them rare in Jewish life. People who feel in charge of their lives are much less likely to believe in conspiracy theories. Happy people don’t. Here’s … Continue reading

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