Category Archives: Rape

The Majority Of Rapists In America Are Democrats

From the Chateau: Graphic and post title courtesy of Twatter squatters @LibrarianofHate and @SOBL1, respectively. Great job, boys. The number of Dinducrat rapists is even more starkly disproportionate than this graphic indicates (which is based on absolute numbers), once you … Continue reading

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Algerian Sex Attacker Shouted “Inshallah”–If Allah Wills It–as He Raped a 25-Year-Old German Student

Corey Charlton, Daily Mail, February 10, 2016: An Algerian man who almost killed his 25-year-old student victim shouted out ‘if Allah wills it’ in Arabic as he raped her in a darkened alley, a court has heard. The man, identified … Continue reading

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Judge: Jackie Coakley not covered by patient-counselor privilege in ‘Rolling Stone’ defamation suit

The College Fix: Jackie Coakley can’t hide her secrets any longer. The student at the heart of Rolling Stone‘s discredited gang-rape story has been ordered by a federal judge to turn over her communications with the magazine and author Sabrina … Continue reading

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Why Does Germany Condone Mass Rape?

David Goldman writes: Germany’s leaders have nothing of signifcance to say about the worst outbreak of sexual assaults in Germany since the Red Army moved out after World War II. Why won’t they do anything? Answer: for the same reason … Continue reading

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The Islamic Rape Invasion

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is the new Germany… August 13, police arrested two Iraqi asylum seekers, aged 23 and 19, for raping an 18-year-old German woman behind a schoolyard in Hamm, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia. 3. July … Continue reading

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