Category Archives: Rape

LAT: Reports of sexual harassment by Metro commuters could hinder efforts to boost ridership

Los Angeles Times: “Although six in 10 Metro passengers are Latino, black passengers reported the highest rates of indecent exposure, physical contact and harassment overall.” I wonder how much of what happens on LA Metro mirrors the rest of life? … Continue reading

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Date Rape

F. Roger Devlin writes: A few years into the sexual revolution, shocking reports began to appear of vast numbers of young women—from one quarter to half—being victims of rape. Shock turned to bewilderment when the victims were brought forward to … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Still Right About Mexican Rapists

Ann Coulter writes: There’s a cultural acceptance of child rape in Latino culture that doesn’t exist in even the most dysfunctional American ghettoes. When it comes to child rape, the whole family gets involved. (They are family-oriented!) In a 2011 … Continue reading

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Fred Reed: Ann Coulter and the Manufacture of Pedophilia

Comments to Fred Reed: * According to UNICEF Ann Coulter is right and you are wrong: To give just a few examples of the heterosexual age of consent: If you are living in some parts of the United States, or … Continue reading

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The Great White Defendant

Deathwish went out of its way to show racially mixed criminal gangs. Taxi Driver was altered to make the pimp white. Lawrence Auster wrote in 2007: Like Ahab’s search for the Great White Whale, liberals’ search for the Great White … Continue reading

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