Category Archives: Rape

The nature of women’s rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents

I think many women love being excused from accountability. If they are forced into sex, they’re not responsible. A female friend told me about the many times she got naked with a guy and ended up, surprisingly, being raped. Abstract: … Continue reading

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Gives new meaning to the term ‘Drill sergeant’

I am really glad that we now make it easier for gays to serve in the military. Just what every straight guy wants in the trenches and the barracks and the showers — a little anal rape. It was nice … Continue reading

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How The LA Times Plays Games With Race

David Cole Stein writes: I’ll give you a few genuine examples of how the media plays games with race, using my hometown paper of record, the L.A. Times (the paper with the fourth-largest circulation in the U.S.), as a case … Continue reading

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WP: S.C. woman escapes rape by biting off her attacker’s tongue

From the Washington Post: The attack began shortly before dawn on Friday when the woman heard a knock at her front door. When she climbed out of bed to check on the noise, however, she found nobody there. Moments later, … Continue reading

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Europe Braces For Rape Epidemic From Incoming Migrant Hordes

Novelist Jack Engelhard writes: Swedish school authorities are warning their girls to keep their knees and arms covered for fear of this fresh influx of refugees. Who might they be, these refugees? People from China, Japan, Canada, the United States? … Continue reading

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