Category Archives: Rape

Salon: Was planning a march against violence against women an inherently racist undertaking?

From 1999: There is one person on the planet whom I can honestly say I hate. This in spite of two and a half years of lovingkindness meditation. I’m not talking about the profound yet somehow abstract hatred you feel … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Harvard Law Professor: Majority of Men Accused of Campus Rape Are Minority

Steve Sailer writes: But in passing in a New Yorker article, Harvard Law School criminal law professor Jeannie Suk drops a bombshell: on average, male students accused of sexual assault look less like Haven Monahan than like, say, Heisman Trophy-winner … Continue reading

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UK: Muslim abducts, rapes woman: “You white women are good at it

Robert Spencer writes: According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their … Continue reading

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Political Correctness = Rape

Steve Sailer writes: First, there’s not much evidence that Rotherham is unusual, other than that it was the first city in England to publish an honest inquiry into what has been going on all over England for decades. Indeed, I … Continue reading

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Migrants Gang Rape Women, Lefties Protest In Support Of Migrants

From Breitbart: After an Algerian and a Syrian living in the same migrant centre were jailed for raping a Swedish women multiple times, concerned locals held an anti mass-migration protest. Only then did an infuriated local social justice group hold … Continue reading

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