Category Archives: Rape

NYT: Coordinated Attacks on Women in Cologne Were Unprecedented, Germany Says

New York Times: BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in … Continue reading

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Merkel’s Germany

From Steve Sailer: From BBC: Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women 59 minutes ago Cologne officials say the systematic assaults on women are a new type of crime The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for … Continue reading

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The 1,000 Man Sexual Assault

From Breitbart: Just five arrests have been made by German police after central Cologne was transformed into a war-zone on New Year’s Eve, as an estimated 1,000 migrants celebrated by launching fireworks into crowds and sexually assaulting German women caught … Continue reading

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Brainwashing 101: Strong, Intelligent, Happy Black Men are Best for White Women

Blog: As the American blogger Viking Bitch has noted, there are around 35,000 rapes of white women by black men every year (the exact number varies a bit). There were also ZERO rapes of black women by white men. The … Continue reading

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On Perilous Migrant Trail, Women Often Become Prey to Sexual Abuse

Comments: * Most weighty story of the year one would think. On Perilous Migrant Trail, Women Often Become Prey to Sexual Abuse How long did they fiddle with the title? Is the migrant trail very perilous other than the rape? … Continue reading

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