Category Archives: Los Angeles Times

Susan Booth Moore and Adam Robert Tschorn Cover Fashion For LA Times

She likes to chew her gum loudly on the front row of fashion shows. They married in June 2003.

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Ads On Page One Of LA Times

Kirk emails: "Don’t you think the LA Times running ads on page one is the signal of the end of a once great paper? When I was in journalism school, no paper would ever be taken seriously if they ran … Continue reading

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Who Has to Commit Suicide in this Town to Make the Front Page?

Mickey Kaus writes: I couldn’t believe–just a few days after their prospective new owner gave them a lecture on how they had to give customers the news the customers wanted–that the editors of the L.A. Times would run the Owen … Continue reading

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Zell Disses L.A. Times

Mickey Kaus blogs: After apparent Tribune Company owner-to-be Sam Zell visited the L.A. Times a week or so ago, Publisher-for-Now David Hiller sent a memo to the paper’s staff describing Zell as a "[h]igh energy straight-talking business owner" who "[b]elieves … Continue reading

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LA Times to ERS News: Cease and Desist/ERS News to LA Times: Make Your Reporters Stop Copying Us

Kate Coe writes for Fishbowl LA: ERS enjoys a good game of cat and mouse with the LA Times lawyer. The exchange is long, but very worthwhile, and it all started with a cease and desist demand. First email … Continue reading

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