Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

The Chatam Sofer Wanted His Daughters To Marry Rich

The Chatam Sofer lived at the turn of the 19th Century. His responsa (answers to questions of Jewish law) are the most important responsa of the past 200 years according to Marc B. Shapiro who relates the following story in … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah’s Rosh Hashanah Video

In his second lecture for Torah in Motion on Rabbi Moses Kunitz, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “Simcha says that naming the yeshiva Ohr Somayach is good marketing. Why? I can almost guarantee you that almost 100% of all the … Continue reading

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Shmuel Kamenetsky – America’s Pope

In his second lecture for Torah in Motion on Rabbi Moses Kunitz, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “They’re building Shmuel Kamenetsky into America’s pope. He now is the man to deal with all issues, be it Orthodox gays… Ten years … Continue reading

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Do Jews Need To Listen To Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah?

According to Wikipedia: “Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah[1] (Heb.: מועצת גדולי התורה (“Council of [great] Torah Sages”)) refers to the supreme rabbinical policy-making council of any of several related Haredi Jewish organizations.” In his second lecture for Torah in Motion on Rabbi … Continue reading

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Torah Geniuses Uncrushed By Convention

In his second lecture for Torah in Motion on Rabbi Moses Kunitz, professor Marc B. Shapiro says about the Ohr Somayach: “All of his education came from his father. He comes into that category of people with the Chazon Ish … Continue reading

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