Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Saudi Arabia Is Not A Theocracy

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Saudi Arabia is not a theocracy. When the State was established there was no automatic assumption that the status quo in all religious matters would carry on (see R. Herzog’s constitution and the correspondence published … Continue reading

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Stoning Sabbath Violaters

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: R. Moshe Eisemann, who used to have a great deal of influence in the moderate haredi camp, wrote as follows with reference to the Jerusalem fanatics who throw stones at passing cars (not knowing, of … Continue reading

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Forcing Israelis To Have A Religious Wedding

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: It was actually the Religious Zionists who were responsible for creating the undemocratic situation in which Israel is perhaps the only country in the world in which Jews are not free to be married by … Continue reading

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Should A Religious Jew Save The Life Of A Non-Religious Jew?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Here is another responsum, by R. Israel David Harfenes, Nishmat Shabbat, vol. 5 no. 500:4. The author is asked if you can violate Shabbat to save the lives of irreligious Jews who came from the … Continue reading

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How Do The Haredim Feel About The Non-Haredim?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: One of the leaders of the extremist haredim is R. Moshe Sternbuch. Here is the first page of a responsum he wrote (Teshuvot ve-Hanhagot, vol. 1, no. 816) in which he states that if a … Continue reading

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