Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Orthodox Jewish Cheerleaders

Marc B. Shapiro writes: When I was in high school in the early 1980s, in the New Jersey-New York yeshiva league only the girls of Bruriah wore sweat pants during basketball games (and the boys were not allowed to attend … Continue reading

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Will All Jews Live In Israel After The Messiah Comes?

In his sixth lecture on Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor for Torah in Motion, Marc Shapiro says: For most of us, when we say at the Passover seder, ‘Next year in Jerusalem’, it’s not reality, it’s just an eschatological hope. That … Continue reading

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The Rogatchover Was A Genius

I once heard historian Marc B. Shapiro say that you could fit two Einsteins into the Rogatchover. In his fifth lecture on Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor for Torah in Motion, Marc Shapiro says: Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, Herman … Continue reading

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Do You Always Need Two Witnesses To Prove A Case In Jewish Law?

When I read this comment on Facebook, it triggered two responses in me: “Have you considered that 2 witnesses is required in order to provide validity to the case. Otherwise anyone can walk into the court and accuse the innocent … Continue reading

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Haredim Defeat Modern Orthodox In Israel’s Chief Rabbi Elections

Professor Marc Shapiro responded to my inquiry: “The election of Rabbi David Lau is a bad joke. He is only 46 or 47 years old, and is not regarded as a great talmid chacham. So the Ashkenazi chief rabbi is … Continue reading

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